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The Amazon Bessemer union election is going into overtime

Workers at Amazon’s warehouse in Bessemer, Alabama held their second union vote | Patrick T. Fallon/AFP via Getty ImagesThe votes for the union drive at Amazon’s warehouse in Bessemer, Alabama, have been counted, but the final result is so close that it will depend on a court hearing yet to come.
The vote count announced on Thursday was 993 against and 875 in favor, with 59 ballots counted as void and 416 counted as challenged. Since the challenged ballots are sufficient to swing the election, the result will depend on a court hearing adjudicating the status of the challenged ballots. That hearing has yet to be scheduled but is likely to take place in the next few weeks. Both parties will also have a chance to file objections to the election over the coming month.
In a statement posted to its website, the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union…

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