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Twitter will now make it easier to see quote tweets on iOS

Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

Twitter has added a new way to see how many people have retweeted a tweet and added a comment, the company announced today — but it’s only available on the iOS version of the app.
The new feature organizes all of the retweets with comments into a handy list. To access it, tap on a tweet and then tap on the word “Retweets.” You’ll see retweets broken out into two columns — ones commenting on the retweet (or a “quote tweet”) and a list of retweets with no comment.
Here’s a video from Twitter showing off the feature:

Don’t miss the Tweets about your Tweet. Now on iOS, you can see Retweets with comments all in one place.— Twitter (@Twitter) May 12, 2020

You can already see quote tweets, but you have to copy…

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