
The Verge Review of Animals: Bibi the hippo

Bibi gave birth to a baby hippo at the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden in August 2022. | Image: Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical GardenThis column is part of a series where Verge staffers post highly subjective reviews of animals. Up until now, we’ve written about animals without telling you whether they suck or rule. We are now rectifying this oversight.
There’s nothing like a baby hippo to remind me there are still good things in this world, and we have Bibi the hippo to thank for a brand-new 60-pound social media star.
Bibi, a hippo at the Cincinnati Zoo, gave birth to her latest little one this week. To commemorate her achievement, the zoo has gifted us with a Twitter feed filled with little ear wiggles.

Bibi and baby did well overnight. They were inseparable and spent the night bonding in the indoor pools!— Cincinnati Zoo…

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