NASA’s Juno probe will get close to Jupiter’s moon Ganymede on Monday
These images of Ganymede were constructed from imagery from NASA’s Voyager 1 and 2 and Galileo spacecraft | USGS Astrogeology Science Center/ Wheaton/ NASA/ JPL-CaltechOn Monday NASA’s Juno space probe, which has been orbiting Jupiter since 2016, will get a close-up look at Jupiter’s biggest moon Ganymede, the agency said in a press release. It will be the closest NASA has gotten to the largest moon in the solar system for more than 20 years— Galileo cruised by Ganymede in 2000— coming within 645 miles of its surface. The information Juno gathers will give insight into the moon’s composition and ice shell, as well as provide data for future missions to Jupiter.
“Juno carries a suite of sensitive instruments capable of seeing Ganymede in ways never before possible,” said principal investigator Scott Bolton of the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio. “By flying so close, we will bring the…
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