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Microsoft unveils HoloLens 2 developer edition for $3,500

Microsoft is launching a developer edition of the company’s HoloLens 2 headset today. Priced at $3,500, it’s the exact same pricing as the version that will be sold to businesses later this year. While the original commercial pricing of the HoloLens was $5,000, the original development kit was always $3,500, so there are no price cuts for developers this time around.
The kit will include the HoloLens 2 hardware and Azure credits alongside free trials of Unity Pro and Unity PiXYZ Plugin for CAD data. Microsoft is also revealing that Unreal Engine 4 support for HoloLens 2 will be available for developers to start using by the end of May. This is a key addition for developers, and it will allow apps that include photo-realistic renders for…

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