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Marvel gives first looks at Falcon and Winter Soldier, Loki, and WandaVision Disney+ series during Super Bowl

Marvel Studios used its big Super Bowl advertising spot to quickly tease three upcoming Disney+ series: Falcon and Winter Soldier, Loki, and WandaVision.
There wasn’t much footage from any of the series, but there was enough glimpses to tease fans. The Falcon and the Winter Solider saw Anthony Mackie’s Sam “Falcon” Wilson pick up Captain America’s shield and maneuver around with it. The series picks up where that arc ended, as Steve Rogers’ best friends try to navigate a world he’s no longer in. The show brings back Mackie’s Wilson and Sebastian Stan’s Bucky “Winter Solider” Barnes to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Avengers: Endgame ended with Steve Rogers handing over his Captain America shield to Sam. The teaser also showed a glimpse…

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