
Lime reactivates small fleets of scooters, offers free rides for healthcare, law enforcement workers

Photo by Amelia Holowaty Krales / The Verge

E-scooter-sharing company Lime is reactivating small fleets of scooters in about a dozen cities and will offer free 30-minute rides for health care workers and law enforcement officers, the company announced. Its Lime Aid initiative is meant to address essential workers’ need for transportation while social distancing amid the coronavirus pandemic.
“Micromobility plays a critical role in moving people seamlessly through cities, and as an individual form of transportation, scooters can help fill an integral transportation gap at this important time,” the company said in a statement. It will partner with the cities to determine the best locations for the scooters. Lime says in the release the scooters are meant to be used for essential…

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