How to enable cross-save with your Destiny 2 data
Playing Destiny on multiple platforms? Here’s what you need to know | Image: BungieIf you’re playing Destiny 2 on more than one platform, enabling cross-save allows you to maintain your progression regardless of which platform you’re playing on, meaning you can finally move your Guardians, with all of their loot, to a different platform and freely jump between console and PC at your leisure. Here’s how to do it, whether you want to transfer your account data between a PC and console or vice-versa.
First, there are a few important disclaimers to keep in mind before you go through with activating cross-save for your account:
While the free-to-play release of Destiny 2, called Destiny 2: New Light, means you don’t have to purchase multiple copies of the base game to play on different platforms, you will need to purchase…
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