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Go read this Wall Street Journal story about Elon Musk’s personal finances

Photo by Yasin Ozturk/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

In one of a series of wild tweets posted last week, Elon Musk stated he would be “selling almost all physical possessions” and that he would “own no house.” He appears to be actually following through with that promise, as chronicled in a great story in The Wall Street Journal about Musk’s personal finances that you should go read.
According to the WSJ, despite being worth an estimated $39 billion on paper:
…he has to borrow, sometimes a lot, to pay for his lifestyle and business investments without liquidating shares that help him maintain control of the companies he runs. About half his Tesla stock is pledged as collateral for personal loans, an April 28 financial filing shows. Maintaining his equity stake—about 20%, or around $29…

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