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Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII remake coming to consoles and PC this winter

Square EnixDuring today’s Final Fantasy VII 25th anniversary event, Square Enix announced a remake of Crisis Core, the prequel to Final Fantasy VII that was previously only released on the PSP.
Dubbed with the exceedingly long and convoluted name, Crisis Core — Final Fantasy VII —Reunion, Crisis Core recounts the story of Zack Fair: the Shinra SOLDIER turned hero turned Aerith’s main boo turned Cloud’s comrade, who is one of the most compelling protagonists in the Final Fantasy canon.
According to the reveal, the Crisis Core remake boasts new, upgraded models, new voiceovers, and new music. All the newness, however, means that, unfortunately, Gackt — the J-pop star who lent his voice to the villain Genesis — will likely not be making a…

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