Sonos CEO apologizes for confusion, says legacy products will work ‘as long as possible’
Photo by Becca Farsace / The Verge
Sonos CEO Patrick Spence just published a statement on the company’s website to try to clear up an announcement made earlier this week: on Tuesday, Sonos announced that it will cease delivering software updates and new features to its oldest products in May. The company said those devices should continue functioning properly in the near term, but it wasn’t enough to prevent an uproar from longtime customers, with many blasting Sonos for what they perceive as planned obsolescence. That frustration is what Spence is responding to today. “We heard you,” is how Spence begins the letter to customers. “We did not get this right from the start.”
Spence apologizes for any confusion and reiterates that the so-called legacy products will “continue…
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