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The Mandalorian shows why Star Wars should be smaller

Two months ago, just before The Mandalorian was about to premiere on Disney+, I made a joke to some friends: wouldn’t it be funny if this show was better than Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker? I thought it was unlikely, but possible: ending a trilogy well is hard, and The Mandalorian didn’t have nearly as many expectations riding on it. Eight weeks later and The Rise of Skywalker is out, a very profitable hot mess, and The Mandalorian concludes its first season with a finale that doesn’t try for much, but also rocks. It is, surprisingly, the better Star War.
(Very mild spoilers to follow.)
Mando and The Child, out and about. What will they find next?
Most of the reasons why I like The Mandalorian boil down to restraint: It’s full of…

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